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Assessment Strategies

In this video, I share with you some strategies I do to make my assessment journey less stressful and more enjoyable. An Iyengar yoga practice as we know takes discipline and I want to share with you some strategies to be more disciplines in your practice and assessment journey.

So much of our stress about assessment is around the things that are out of our control like, who will be on the assessment panel, not being able to perform all the asana picture-perfect, not knowing what asana will be given to us on the day and the list goes on.

What I like to focus on is what I do know and what I can control and that’s my practice and study and how I can best prepare for assessment.

In this video, I’ll step you through my 3 favourite strategies for a more enjoyable assessment journey.

  1. Planning your practice and allocating time specifically for assessment practice

  2. Setting goals and mapping out how what you need to do in the months leading up to assessment

  3. Building a team to support you in your preparation

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